Easypal Digital Sstv Program

  1. A good program is EasyPal and this will use the same basic interface that many of you may already be using for analogue SSTV. Download EasyPal HERE Then join Tim - N2VZD, Net Control for the Saturday night SSTV net. It’s on the KD2SL repeater (146.670- pl 103.5) 1930 to 2100 hrs. NOTE When setting up “User Defined Server”€ do not use.
  2. Digital SSTV Software category is a curation of 9 web resources on, DIGTRX, SSTV Pal Multimode, SSTV Pics. Resources listed under Digital SSTV category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators.

KB4QEX from Orlando Florida sending pictures over the low bands. Simple reception using the EasyPal program and a microphone plugged into the computer. Digital Mode Software In this section we will look at some of the more common software, used for SSTV, RTTY, Etc. Programs like EasyPal, MMSSTV, MMTTY and possibly a few more. We will look at some of the common mistakes made when setting up these programs, And some tips to better your chances of receiving these types of signal. EasyPal enables you to send Digital SSTV pictures using a standard HF SSB rig. DRM as used in Easypal, allows very fast data transmissions with error correction, enabling very accurate decoding, and a means to request missing blocks, this is all done within Easypal, and very simple to do.

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Check related links to this in Software/DRM

Easypal is a freeware DSSTV software uses the DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) encoding to allow the sending of image files over voice channels. This mode is known as Digital SSTV
Hits: 8372 | Votes: 22 | Rating: 6.75

About EasyPal

The resource is currently listed in dxzone.com in 3 categories. The main category is Digital Radio Mondiale software

Easypal Digital Sstv Programs

that is about Digital Radio Mondiale software. This link is listed in our web site directory since Sunday Aug 31 2008, and till today 'EasyPal' has been followed for a total of 8372 times. So far received 22 votes for a total score of 6.75/10
Easypal digital sstv program loginEasypal digital sstv software

Easypal Digital Sstv Program Login

You may find other interesting sites similar to this one, under the following categories:
  • Software/Digital SSTV - Digital SSTV Software
  • Software/SSTV - SSTV software for ham radio SSTV emission
  • Software/DRM - Digital Radio Mondiale software
Software received 22 votes for a total score of 6.75/10

The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.

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Easypal Digital Sstv Programs

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  • DIGTRX - High definition SSTV software for windows 2000, xp by PY4ZBZ...
  • GQRX for MacOS - OSX port of the awesome gqrx SDR software...
  • Spark - Spark is a realtime modulator software for Digital Radio Mondiale DRM,...
Easypal Digital Sstv Program

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