Foobar2000 Dark One Art

Foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform. Foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 1 has been released. PerfectTUNES a helping hand for your audio collection Add or upgrade Album Art, De-Dup and check for ripping errors. Mar 12, 2019 I recently installed foobar2000 and would like put a skin on it. I was thinking of this one. DBpoweramp mp3 Converter music conversion perfected Trusted by 30 million people, easy conversion between audio formats Name Description Tags:, 2019-01-26 Adds decoding support for Nintendo DS Sound Format files (.2SF/.MINI2SF).

FofR Version 0.9
  • One other thing that fb2k lacks is a rating system. I've tried looking for some random components that does this but none of them do what I wanted. Then I came across this article explaining the Date and Duration Adjusted (DADA) auto-rating algorithm, an automated, algorithm-based rating system for fb2k.
  • Oct 03, 2016 DarkOne4Mod v1. Bugfix update uploaded!. added: configuration files for easier installation (read the 'Install Instructions.txt' file!) This modified version should work with every display resolution and window size from 904.x px up to 4K. go to the 'Grouping' tab and increase 'Row height' (i advice you to increase in 5 pt steps only!).

June 27th, 2007, posted by FofR Dark

Here we go, I finally think that this version is ready for release – I had planned to launch this on June 1st – glad I didn’t make that known to anyone at the time. I have been hard at work making changes, the big new additions are out of the box support for Lyrics (I finally caved on this one – the component used is included in the package), full transparency support, library filter support and the Theme and Background selectors.

All component and font requirements are listed when you first open the configuration, an installation display will show what you do not have installed and shall provide a click-able link to download it.

FofR V0.9 needs PanelsUI Version 13.7+

Version 0.9

  • Menu Buttons: Buttons Now Consistent across all tabs, “Song Info” button removed, just click the text area on the
  • Now Playing section instead to close/hide the box. This is much faster and easier.
  • Menu Buttons: Full Mode button now increases fb2k window size to a minimum of 800 pixels (if it’s currently smaller than that in tabbed mode) when Full Mode selected to allow correct display.
  • Menu Buttons: Cog now opens menu but defaults to the “controls” section with seekbar, search, etc.
  • Now Playing: Artist Images now show in Full Mode
  • Now Playing: New Image Toolbar that appears on roll over with image options (hide/show artist image, switch to scaled cover art, hide/show text, scale top margin, hide/show spectrum, hide/show progress bar, hide/show quick playlist)
  • Now Playing: Added Next and Previous buttons to left and right of album art (appear on hover)
  • Now Playing: Added Option to add/remove a gloss on the cover art
  • Now Playing: New Quick SCPL Playlist using transparency in PanelsUI v0.13, with optional side image showing a preview of selected track’s cover art.
  • Now Playing: Improved the Progress Bar, now also displays track length, year and genre.
  • Now Playing: Added Buttons to do Google Video, Google, and Wikipedia quick searches of Artist
  • Mini Now Playing: Fixed some display bugs
  • Spectrum: Fixed resize bug that placed Spectrum in wrong place
  • Menu: Removed Menu Toolbar as now available as button, also caused problems with VS clashes.
  • Full Mode: Added Borders (optional), tidied it up – combined all playlist control/browsing into one tab, smarter solution. Split popup browse and browse tab removed.
  • Lyrics: Added Support for Lyrics in form of new tab, code created by jclim00, uses foo_lyricsdb.dll component, download here: or use packaged version
  • Global Background: Added support for a global background image, using transparency of Track Display, SCPL and Library Filter.
  • Theme Selector: New Theme Selector Tab, Theme IDs and Theme Names
  • Themes: 2 new themes, Graphite-Blue and Silver-Blue
  • Background Selector: Choose your global background, enable/disable, support for unlimited number of images. Put new backgrounds in the backgrounds directory following the naming structure (e.g. 1.jpg, 2.jpg,…)
  • Installation: On Installation diagnostics will check which components/fonts/images are installed/located and if not will give download links or highlight the problem. Can be re-opened by clicking the diagnostics link in the menu.
  • Sort Panel: Re-arranged to include a Presets menu

Known Bugs:

  • Transparency can show the wrong image when backgrounds/themes are changed, an fb2k restart will fix this. This is a PanelsUI issue.

Time for some screenshots:

Transparency and Global backgrounds are turned on by default. The redrawing of large images and text shadows shall inevitably reduce performance. For those wishing to optimise, turn off transparency via the background selector (see this image for help). Turning off transparency in SCPL cannot YET be automated so you need to change this manually, to do so right click the SCPL, select Settings then at the bottom click the “Transparent Background” checkbox. This will improve your scroll speeds, don’t forget to re-enable it if you switch back. Here’s an image showing the box.

Download FofR Version 0.9.1

Foobar2000 Dark One Art

Update: Version 0.9.1 :

Foobar2000 Dark One Art Images

  • Fixed ‘square’ issue
  • Adjusted requirements on installation to include Wingdings 3 font.

For troubleshooting check the guide:
FofR Configuration Guide (now updated for Version 0.9)

More pictures after the break Read the rest of this entry »

SlanXP Minimal
June 26th, 2007, posted by Blooooo

The idea I had was complete minimalism, nothing that would waste any space. So of course, it may look like Fisher-Price foobar compared to the other releases, but that’s the point of minimalism. It’s painfully easy to use, click M to get to the Mini Player, P to get to playlist, and double click M to get to the diagnostic. All the browsing options can be found at the top of the playlist, and need their own color coordinated. Also its quite an easy start if you want to learn how to code foobar, everything is right there as you see it. And if not obvious, the foobar looks best with the SlanXP visual style.

SlanXP Minimal needs PanelsUI Version 13.7+

Download SlanXP Minimal

June 25th, 2007, posted by shakey_snake

Introducing ssconfig4, a new layout for panelsUI.
ssconfig4 is designed to be very easy to use, powerful, and still retain style and Configurability.

Notable Features:

  • Minimal Required components
  • Many optional components that are easily integrated into the layout so the user can use only the components they want
  • Installation Validation
  • A Discogs panel to display and link you to information present in the powerful catalog, retrieved with the foo_discogs component
  • A custom history panel to keep track of your recently played tracks
  • Ratings, Tracks and Album SCPL views
  • Easy to use options panel allowing user to select their user color
  • A custom lyrics panel and LyricsShow support for timed lyrics
  • and much more!

Animated Previews: (they don’t really do it justice)

Required Components:

  • foo_ui_panels (0.13.8 or later)
  • foo_playcount (official) or foo_playcount_mod

Optional components:

  • foo_discogs
  • foo_playlist_tree
  • foo_uie_albumlist
  • foo_uie_explorer
  • foo_browser
  • foo_uie_lyrics
  • foo_lyricsDB
  • foo_uie_vis_egoh
  • foo_uie_playlist_dropdown
  • foo_uie_quicksearch
  • foo_uie_queuemanager
Foobar2000 dark one art galleryElegance
June 8th, 2007, posted by jclim00

(get newest release here)

This is a no-titlebar, panels_ui layout designed to work with any visual style, but is based on the excellent Elfen2 VS. This is an as-is layout, I won’t be taking any feature requests but I’ll still try to help people who have problems setting it up. If you want to change something or add or remove panels, you’re on your own.


  • 0.2.0 (06-08-2007)
    • rating system added
    • alternate header style
    • colored text in the readme refer to new layout features or updated info.
  • 0.1.0 (06-02-2007)
    • initial release

required components:

  • foo_ui_panels.dll – tested with panels 0.13.6

optional components:

  • foo_uie_albumlist.dll – an alternative to using the library filter

See the very comprehensive readme included for installation instructions and usage.

June 7th, 2007, posted by toolej

tooleJrawr04-1.1“Finally a proper release”

I changed quite a bit in this patch, consider it the proper release whereas the other one was just a test.

The idea of this foobar was one that was pretty, fairly specific to my theme, but above all else, useable and obvious – it is designed so you do not have to click around for ages to do simple things. It is also configureable as you wish, you can choose from a multitude of options as to what things to have shown and hidden and where.

It may look odd on other visual styles.

- PanelsUI 13
- foo_cwb_hooks
- Browser Panel
- Album List Panel
- Quicksearch Toolbar
- ColumnsUI
- Playcount Official

Foobar2000 Dark One Art Studio

Download tooleJrawr04-1.1

A Helpful Image